
modern mobile中文是什么意思

  • 手机大比拼



  • 例句与用法
  • With the development of the modern mobile technology , we can freely keep up with others in air or on land
  • " modern mobile phones are in essence miniature portable computers , " the company said in its annual crime report
    在年度黑客报告中说: “现代手机实际上就是微型手提电脑。
  • It also introduces innovative learning tools that use modern mobile technology to maximize every mobile executive s available learning time
  • In this case you will be helped by our service which allows to exchange files and upload them in mobile phone through wap , by default built - in in any modern mobile phone
  • During the work of studying , planning and designing modern mobile communication systems which are based on satellites , the study of propagation characteristics of the satellite mobile channel is one of the most important factors
  • Fully utilizing the modern mobile communication technology and developing the mobile electronic commerce , has great realistic meanings to promote the marketing competitive power of our country ’ s enterprises and the development of our country ’ s electronic commerce
  • This thesis studied modern mobile telecommunications development at the same time , which analyzed gsm key technologies , as well as presented gprs technology and the third generation mobile telecommunications general situations
    为了对gsm技术和未来移动通信发展有更深入的认识,本文同时对现代移动通信技术作了进一步研究分析,剖析了gsm的关键技术和介绍了第2 . 5代( gprs )和第三代移动通信( 3g )的发展概况。
  • The twenty - one century is a high developing information society , with the high development of computer technology and modern mobile communication technology , mobile electronic commerce , acts as the developing direction of electronic commerce , is becoming more and more important
  • Due to the development of modern mobile communications and microwave communications , demands are improving rapidly for microwave semiconductor devices with higher power and lower noise . traditional si devices are unable to meet the new requirements of higher performance in high frequency and lower cost
    <中文摘要> =现代移动通信以及微波通信的发展,对微波大功率、低噪音半导体器件的要求日渐提高,而且由于现代通信对高频带下高性能和低成本的rf组件的需求,传统的si材料器件无法满足这些性能上新的要求。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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